Owner Biography

Joseph A Steinmetz

Joseph Allison Steinmetz (1870-1928) was born in Philadelphia March 22, 1870. His father, John Steinmetz, who died in 1877, was the grandson of John Steinmetz, signer of the "Nonimportation Resolutions" of 1765, which document was the forerunner of the Declaration of Independence.

The father and grandfather of Joseph A. Steinmetz were both connected with the iron and steel business in Philadelphia, as was Joseph, who ran the firm of Janney, Steinmetz & Company iron and steel merchants and engineers.

The mother of Joseph A. Steinmetz bore the maiden name of Frances Morris Janney. She is a native of Philadelphia and is a descendant of Thomas Janney, a companion of William Penn and the first minister of the Society of Friends in Pennsylvania. In the maternal line Mr. Steinmetz is also descended from Dr. Thomas Wynne, who came to America with William Penn on the ship Welcome and ministered to the officers, crew and passengers on that vessel when smallpox broke out on the voyage. Mr. Steinmetz is likewise a descendant of Anthony Morris, who was William Penn's counselor, and of John Cadwalader of the Welsh colony in Pennsylvania.

Aside from business connections Mr. Steinmetz has figured prominently in public affairs in many ways. During the Spanish-American war he acted as recruiting officer for a Battalion of Engineers with office in Philadelphia and afterward became detailed for Red Cross relief work in Cuba. He immediately took an active part in gathering up and caring for reconcentrado orphans, which work was concluded under the direction of Miss Clara Barton, assisted by the Associate Society of the Red Cross of Philadelphia.

He belonged to the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution, the Colonial Society of Pennsylvania, the Historical Society, the Welcome Society, the Down Town Club, the Philadelphia Cricket Club, the Aero Club of America, and for many years has been a trustee of the Fairmount Art Association. Additional information can be seen by following this link

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